Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Winter Transparency Craft

Today was a nice quiet day.  After all of the festivities over the last two days, and visiting with all of my family, which I very much enjoyed, this introverted gal needed a peaceful day at home.  So after a nice relaxing morning, I decided to work on a craft that I have wanted to try for quite some time- making a paper transparency.

So, I went online and searched for some winter stencil images, and settled on an angel and a snowflake.  I printed them out, then gathered my supplies-  Black and Dark Blue cardstock, glue sticks, scissors, craft knife, and cutting mat.  First I carefully cut out my snowflake.  Then, carefully using a glue stick, glued it down to my blue cardstock, like this.

Then I put the paper on top of my cutting mat, and carefully cut it out with my craft knife.

Carefully cut around the entire snowflake, until you can remove the entire snowflake.

Then using glue stick or a thin layer of standard glue, glue down a small sheet of kite paper to cover the snowflake.  You could use tissue paper, but the kite paper is stronger, and will be less likely to tear.

Here is what it looks like from the front.  Fold the sides of the paper so it can stand, and round off the top of the paper if desired.

Then you can set the transparency in front of a battery operated candle or a lamp.  You can also leave it flat and hang it on the window using double stick tape.

I made another one in the shape of an angel with dark yellow kite paper.  I love the way these turned out.  I can't wait to make more!  They look really pretty with the light coming through the lamp in the evening when the lights are low.

I think for a window transparency, I would cut out the image from a stack of two sheets of cardstock, then sandwich the kite paper between, so the image would  look nice from both the front and back, I will have to try that project next time.

I found this craft idea in two of my favorite craft books, that I have had since the kids were little.  The Christmas Craft Book by Thomas Berger, and the book called All Year Round, full of crafts and activities for the entire year.

I found my kite paper from an eBay store called Hedgehogfarms.

Tonight the weather is cold and rainy, we still have not seen a snowflake yet this season, often we don't get snow in the valley until January.  I think an evening of board games and popcorn might be in order.  I enjoy spending this extra time with the kids during school break.


  1. What a great idea.
    I am hosting a Best of 2011 blog hop and would love to have you link up a favorite post of the year. My site is. http://www.shandaoakleyinspires.com

  2. I forgot what fun making those transparencies were. You are always doing something interesting, April!

  3. Love this idea! I love the shape of your snowflake too.

  4. Hi April! I love the snowflakes. I have been in a snowflake mood too. I just finished knitting a pair of gloves and I am going to embellish them with some crocheted snowflakes I am making. I also found some crystal beads I am going to sew on in various places to try and give it the look of ice. It has really been a fun project to play with and I hope to have it finished later in the week. Have a great afternoon ahead! Delisa :)

  5. Shanda, I look forward to linking up, and picking out my favorite post of the year. Thanks for the invitation :)

    Jane~ Thank You, transparencies are fun, I keep thinking of new patterns to try now :)

    Celtic Heart~ Thank you, the shape of this snowflake reminded me of snowflakes I would see as decorations as a child. Such a fun craft!

    Delisa~ Your gloves sound very pretty, I love the idea of the little crystal beads as well, sounds like they will look wonderful and wintery!

    Thanks for all your comments! Hope everyone has a great day!!

  6. What a great idea! The snowflakes are awesome!

  7. Very cute. Love the angels in particular. Thanks for the idea!


  8. These are very pretty. I bet they look lovely at night.

  9. Thanks for stopping in and reading my blog! Newly following! LOVE the snowflakes!

  10. Very cool!! I love how the angel turned out :) stopping by from TGIF


  11. I have really been wanting to get the Christmas craft book! I think you just convinced me ;) Lovely job!

  12. They turned out great! I've been seeing lots of them lately and was wondering how to make them... thanks for sharing!!

  13. This is really lovely!

  14. How fun!! Thank you for sharing, April, at Sharing Saturday!!

  15. That turned out beautifully!! Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Happy New Year,
    Beth =-)

  16. Oh so pretty! This is fabulous! Would you please share this with our readers for Fun Stuff Fridays? http://www.toysinthedryer.com/2012/01/fun-stuff-fridays-5.html


I love to hear your thoughts, feedback, and ideas. Please feel free to leave a comment.